Monday, August 21, 2006

The Gimp Presents: Caption Contest Volume 2, Issue 3

Cartoons; the window to man's dark soul. Caption this bit of American Justice or the terrorists have won!

" The Kenny Chesney Fan Club Catalog." Eric Miller, in a moment of cowardice, gives us this winning caption whilst hiding behind the nom de plume "PanzerBlitzer." Panzerblitz. Like, who plays that game, anyway?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Gimp Presents: Caption Contest Volume 2, Issue #2

Weren't the 70s just 30 different shades of awesome? Caption these three magnificent amigos sharing what I'm confident was a totally heterosexual underwear experience on the beach.

The Winner for Volume 2, Issue #1 is

"Prince Harry finds that makeup and a wig are all it takes to avoid the papperazzi spoiling his next fancy-dress party." Ian Wedge is our first winner with his uniquely tabloid-flavoured entry from Blighty.

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Gimp Presents: Caption Contest Volume 2, #1

This should work out simply enough -- just post your contest entries in the comments section of this post, make sure you put your name to it, and I'll pick a single winner after we get a decent number of captions to work with. In case you've forgotten, the Imp was never limited by the bounds of good taste or politeness, and the Gimp is no different. Enjoy.

The Re-birth of a Legend!

This blog marks an attempt to recreate the one of the more amusing diversions of CSW's Blog Central folder -- the Caption Contest. Created by Walt O'Hara a few years ago, the contest ran for over one hundred installments in his blog and about forty installments in my own sad knock-off version (with some overlap) before it just became too time-consuming for me to dig back through several hundred posts at a time, gather together all the entries, sort by poster, choose winners, and present the results.

The contest petered out rather ignominiously even though I really enjoyed presenting it, so I'm very much hoping this will mark the moment that the Caption Contest rises, Tempe Phoenix-like, from the ashes of the sad end it came to under my ham-handed care to once again be a source of amusement for CSW's blog community. By keeping all the entries concentrated in the comments section of this Blogspot doohicky I'll be saved the time-consuming elements of the old contest and can just throw pictures up and choose winners at will.

Of course, this could all end in tears...